It is the policy of the Canadian Forces to provide a work environment that is supportive of the productivity as well as the personal goals, dignity and self-esteem of all personnel. As any incidence of harassment is inconsistent with this policy, harassment of any kind will not be tolerated or condoned. The Garrison Golf & Curling Club (GG&CC) is an entity of the Canadian Forces.
Harassment: Harassment is any improper conduct by an individual that is directed at and known would cause offence or harm. It comprises any objectionable act, comment or display that demeans, belittles, or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment, or any act of intimidation or threat. It includes harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA).
An environment that fosters teamwork and encourages individuals to contribute their best effort is essential. Mutual trust, support and respect for the dignity and rights of every person are essential characteristics of the environment. Not only is harassment in certain forms against the law, but it erodes mutual confidence and respect for individuals and can lead to a poisoned environment. As a result, effectiveness, productivity, team cohesion and morale are placed at risk.
Policy Statement:
GG&CC is committed to providing a respectful environment by promoting prevention and prompt resolution of harassment. All employees and members have the right to be treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity in an environment free of harassment, and they have the responsibility to treat others in the same manner. Harassment in any form constitutes unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. No employee or member shall subject any person at GG&CC to harassment. Any employee or member who subjects another person to harassment is liable to disciplinary and administrative action. Employees and members have a duty to take immediate steps to stop harassment they witness or that is brought to their attention. All persons have the responsibility to ensure a harassment-free environment and to treat everyone respectfully.
How to Report Alleged Harassment:
If you feel harassment has occurred, please submit your concern in writing to the GG&CC Operations Manager and/or to the President of the Golf Executive Committee.